Payroll Run Control Feature Enhancement Automate your Payroll

Oct, 2021

Qtac is excited to announce that we are working on a Payroll Run Control feature enhancement to make your team’s life easier.

As many of you already know Payroll Run Control is our ground-breaking payroll management feature which gives complete oversight of all payrolls in one place, monitoring the status of the day’s activity and allowing action on any overdue tasks.

Payroll Run Control resolves the challenging issue of payroll management by providing users an overview of their payrolls and processes, as well as a guided workflow to improve the consistency and quality of work. There is no longer a need for complex spreadsheets and disjointed external systems. Payroll Managers can now manage all payroll processes in one central location.

Automated Payroll Solution

Automation is regarded as the future of payroll processing, at Qtac we have been working to implement automation throughout our software to streamline payroll processes and improve productivity. By utilising automation Qtac eliminates the requirement for skilled administrators to focus on repetitive, mundane tasks and maintain their focus on key business outcomes.

As part of its ongoing development, Payroll Run Control version 3 introduces automation to our payroll software. Targeting labour intensive tasks and automating these, allows users to realise increases in efficiency and a reduction in errors.

Tasks that can benefit from automation include:

  • Portal synchronisation
  • Global automated reports
  • Pension uplifts
  • RTI

Payroll Run Control version 3 is scheduled to be released in the 22/23 tax year.