COVID-19 and Statutory Sick Leave

Mar, 2020

Paying SSP due to a COVID-19 related absence

The government will shortly introduce new legislation allowing employers with fewer than 250 employees to reclaim the Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid for any absence due to COVID-19.

Also covered by this legislation will be employees who have had to self-isolate as a result of having to look after a dependent who has contracted the Coronavirus.

There is no need for an employee to provide a GP fit note, but if an employer does require evidence, those with symptoms can obtain an isolation note from NHS 111 online. Those living with someone who has symptoms can get a note from the NHS website.

Details of how the repayment mechanism will work for employers will be released by the government in due course.

Key points

  • Maximum of 2 weeks’ pay per eligible employee.
  • Employer must have had less than 250 employees as of 28th February 2020.
  • Legislation will be applied retrospectively from 13th March 2020, once passed.
  • Legislation is in addition to SSP being paid from day 1 (rather than day 4) for all employees.

For further information on all of the support that is currently provided to businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, we recommend that employers view the government’s web page: COVID-19 Support for Businesses